Treatment of a dental and skeletal case class III.
Treatment of a hyperdivergent class II with the MEAW technique and bite turbos by Dr. Teresa Pinho.
The impact of dental extraction on unfavourable facial profiles: questioning the paradigm by Dr. Liliana Amado, Dr. Armando Dias Silva and Dr. João Correia Pinto.
Damon 3MX cases - class I borderline, severe crowding and premolar inclusion by Dr. Nimet Guiga.
Orthodontic orthognatic surgical treatment of a partially edentulous patient with skeletal and dental class III by Dr. Miguel de Nóbrega.
Treatment of a hyperdivergent class II with the MEAW technique and bite turbos by Dr. Teresa Pinho.
The impact of dental extraction on unfavourable facial profiles: questioning the paradigm by Dr. Liliana Amado, Dr. Armando Dias Silva and Dr. João Correia Pinto.
Damon 3MX cases - class I borderline, severe crowding and premolar inclusion by Dr. Nimet Guiga.
Orthodontic orthognatic surgical treatment of a partially edentulous patient with skeletal and dental class III by Dr. Miguel de Nóbrega.
Assymetric extraction of a premolar as treatment of class II subdivision and deep bite by Dr. Teresa Pinho.
Orthodontics and aesthetic rehabilitation: role of operative dentistry by Dr. Eunica Carilho. Orthodontic treatment of a patient with aggressive periodontitis by Dr. Miguel Moura Gonçalves. Correction of a case Class II subdivision 1 with Forsus by Dr. Nimet Guiga. Treatment of a patient with class II division 1 and maxillary hypoplasia by Dr. Miguel de Nóbrega.
Treatment of a case with open bite, biprotusion with extraction of the premolars by Dr. Teresa Pinho.
Treatment of a skeletal class II, with hyperdivergent jaws and an assymetric branch by Dr. Nimet Guiga.
Class II division with superior midline deviation by Dr. Martinho Pereira.
Root resorption in orthodontic surgical treatment of a patient with dental and skeletal class II by Dr. Miguel de Nóbrega.
Class II Division 2: Clinical case divided into two treatment phases by Dr. Teresa Pinho.
Class III - orthodontic surgical treatment by Dr. Francisco Freitas.
Skeletal and Dental class III - surgically assisted palatal expansion by Dr. Miguel de Nóbrega.
Non surgical treatment of open-bite associated with skeletal class III malocclusion - case study by Dr. Manuel Marques Ferreira.
Non-surgical treatment of a skeletal open-bite based on the control of the occlusal plane - by Dr. Teresa Pinho.
Treatment of a skeletal classe II and dental class II with absolute anchorage using orthodontic mini-implants by Dr. Nimet Guiga.
"Surgical orthodontic treatment of a patient with skeletal class III and dental class II by Dr. Miguel de Nóbrega.
Non surgical treatment of open bite associated with skeletal class III - case study by Dr. Teresa Pinho.
Treatment of a class II malocclusion with open bite and transverse anomaly. - clinical case by Dr. Francisco Freitas.
Dental transplants: a mulitdisciplinary approach by Dr. Manuel Ferreita.
Treatment of a patient with skeletal class I and dental class II - clinical case by Dr. Martinho Pereira.
Treatment of patient with class II and impaction of the canine and premolar - clinical case by Dr. Miguel de Nóbrega.
Portuguese Society of Orthodontics: past, present and future by Dr. Manuel Ferreira.
Solutions with micro-implants by Dr. Martinho Pinheiro
Case-study - Class II malocclusion with extraction of pre-molars by Dr. Francisco Freitas.
Repositioner of MRI models - a surgical aid in cases of orthodontic orthognatic surgical treatment by Dr. Manuel Ferreira. Impacted maxillary incisors by Dr. Miguel de Nóbrega.
Reassessment after four years of implant-supported fixed total rehabilitation with immediate loading.
Treatment of a Class II Division 1 clinical case with bilateral maxillary endognathism.
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